Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Romeo and Juliet

     In Romeo and Juliet we are on the fourth act and so far it has been romance with some bits of action. Overall I have not enjoyed Romeo and Juliet.  The action was a little lame because Shakespeare didn't explain or write about the violence. This in my opinion was a lame. You can vividly write about the action an stabbing but he just says Mercutio falls. I know this is not the focus of the event, it inspires Romeo to kill Tybalt and get exiled which leads to problems that help lead to the untimely fates of the young lovers but never the less I think Shakespeare could have added some things in for the male population. This brings me into the next point, Romeo and Juliet are not meant for guys unless they get forced to by their girlfriends and/or school. The whole message and topic are against what guys want; love and romance. Most guys like action and adventure not saying girls don't but that's what guys prefer. Shakespeare had some opportunities to include action and adventure, the fight scene could be elaborated or maybe their are more guy scene about relaxing.

     This paragraph will explain my hopes for the future acts to make them more appealing for guys. Shakespeare can show that the world is nothing beyond the walls of Verona by adding in wildlife and showing Romeo struggling to survive by fighting off bears or spear fishing, something other than Romeo sitting in the woods writing poems and crying because he is separated from his love Juliet. Romeo needs to show he is a man, sure he killed someone but that was out of anger not from him being "manly". I know it wouldn't contribute too much to the plot but it would show how the people of Verona think that the outside world is bad and the reality of it being not bad. I think if I was writing this play I would try to expand my audience as much as possible without losing the real morale and lesson. That what I feel so if your a guy and agree comment if you don't still comment.

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