Sunday, October 27, 2013

Finding New Books

     Now that I have finished the House of Hades I have to wait a full year before the next one comes out and then that series will be over forever. The Percy Jackson and Olympus series have been my favorite series as I told you earlier and it seems sad that it will all be over in year. I hope I can find another series as good as this one. With that being said I can get into the purpose of my blog; finding new books and the difficulty. I find new books difficult because I want to keep reading the same series even after it’s over everything I think will suffer in comparison. Time after time I find that a new series that is just as good or even better. You would think I would learn but it just happens time after time and it discourages me to read. I am positive that you have once felt that way and as readers we wish that it could be easier to find a new book. 

      I think that to help these problems you should find a book before you finish the one you are currently reading. This may seem weird but it would eliminate worries about the new series and you can get straight in. I have been using this and so far it has worked great for me so I hope it does for you too. Another strategy is to go on websites like Goodreads and find books that are related to the series you are reading now. I love recommendations and find that the Goodreads ones are accurate. My last tip to find a book speedy fast is to ask a friend about books they like. This is a pretty obvious one but I think people underestimate the ability to find good books through friends. I have gotten a lot of recommendations like the Heroes of Olympus from my friend and it has turned out to be one of my favorite book series of all time.  So keep reading so you don’t question your books! That’s all the recommendations I have so far so until next time see you.

1 comment:

  1. I am almost done with House of Hades and I also liked the series a lot.
