Sunday, September 29, 2013

Review of Insurgent

     Usually I do summaries and reviews together because that makes sense so you know what I'm talking about but since I did an extensive summary in the last book I feel repeating would be a waste of time. So if you want a lead into or refresher on Insurgent, go ahead and read my last post.

     Now that I have that out of the way I can start my review. This book has lots of similarities to the first book to the way it's written and the structure with some plot too. Although as I stressed in my last review of Divergent I told you about how much annoying romance there was and how I didn't enjoy it. Just to give you an idea of the romance level I will give a quick sneak peek, "He [Tobias] kisses me back. His hands start on my cheek, and then brushes over my side, fitting to the bend in my waist, curving over my hip, sliding to my bare leg, making me shiver. I press closer to him and wrap my leg around him. My head buzzes with nervousness, but the rest of me seems to know what it's doing, because it all pulses to the same rhythm, all wants the same thing: to escape itself, and become part of him instead." Now if you don't think that is somewhat romantic then you might want to read it again. This scenario happens through the book all the time and has really been annoying rather than cute or well placed. I do know this is bias because I'm a guy and that's not what I'm looking for in a book but then again this is my review so if you don't agree put it in a comment or write your own blog post.

     If I ignore the romance I liked the book a lot and read it in about a week, I don't like reading at all and this was a great accomplishment for me. I don't usually pump out 500 page plus books in a week so I enjoyed the story and how fast I could read it with comprehension of what's going on. This should tell you how much I liked the book. This book was one full of mysteries and bound of twists. The minute you thought you knew something was going to happen something completely different happens and it was fun. I like books where I have to solve some of the pieces not just looked at the finished puzzle. The author makes you see multiple points of views and motives of people that fueled the conflict and made Tris want to go on this wild journey. I just want to say if you like twists and enjoy books with complicated plots then this book is perfect.

     My final thing I have to say about the book is Roth's ability to make ever character you meet mean something in the outcome of events, even ones you forgot about from Divergent. I also remember and realize that if you pay close attention to what Roth says then you can predict most of what happens in the future. This reminds me of Scooby-Doo and how one person they met always ended up the criminal. I like a book that can do this with actual twists and not make it too easy to predict. I hope that if you enjoy books like this than you will give this series a try.


  1. This was a very good and informative review. Can't wait to read it now.

  2. Thanks for the review of Insurgent. I think I would really like the book Divergent because I don't like when you can predict what is going to happen.
