Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Relationship Between Tris and Tobias

     The most important relationship for Tris the main character in the book Insurgent is the one with her boyfriend Tobias. In this book so far, both characters have witheld information from each other because they can't trust each other. I personally feel that the Dauntless initiation has made them not have the ability to trust and rely on other people. The Dauntleess leader Eric has decided that trusting is not a major priority for being brave and therefore has concealed it and disapproves of it. I also say that the information they kept secretive is personal but if they want to be in a commited relationship they have to have some level of trust. One part in this book when they both reveal truths they have witheld from one another unwillingly comes out they start to get mad at each other. Here is the quote, "'Tris, I wish you had trusted me [Tobias] enough to tell me things like that.' 'Don't pretend this is only me problem,' I [Tris] say. 'I don't trust you,you don't trust me either.'" (160) This quote best represents their relationship struggles because they come straight out and say they both have problems trusting each other.

     I know what this is like, I have not told people close to me secrets about my life and they do hurt not to tell, but the sooner you do say the better the relationship stays. I'm sure we have all heard our parents and adults tell us that it is better to own up to the things we do bad than to get caught. I think if they would have told each other even if they had doubts the relationship could grow to a point where they did trust each other. Now of course I don't quite understand the problems they face because i have never had to admit I killed someone to a girlfriend. I'm not going to pretend that I know exactly what they are facing beacause I don't. I think this helps people connect and enjoy the book even when they aren't facing the antagonist.
  I do like how Roth adds more conflict to the story than just a flat plot with one problem. I feel like this is more real than just a plain story, I enjoy books that I can feel that could happen, not just too far out there. In the future I think I will try to find more books that show changing and realistic relationships rather than one with a cool fighting scene with a cool cover.


  1. This post was really thought out and described the relationship really well. I liked how you found good evidence, not just a random quote, but a good one to back up your statement.

  2. I really like the last sentence :) This series was really good. I liked Divergent better than Insurgent because the latter was just so sad to read. The society that Tris and Tobias lives in sounds like a horrible place; I can't imagine the world like that in the future, but I guess the world does change. It was really neat that you focused your entire blog on just this one relationship and was able to write such a detailed and intricate blog. The text to self connection was also very well thought out and relatable. Can't wait for the third book to come out!

  3. This post was really insightful and well written, and it really helped me understand the characters in the book.
