Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Hopes for Insurgent

     I just finished Divergent and the book had a half ending. The book finished some conflicts and problems but still left with a lot more. One hope that I would like to see is Tris having some closure about her killing Will who was a great friend in Dauntless. She is terrified every night with nightmares that include Will. One quote I found was, "I wake with his name in my mouth. Will. Before I my eyes, I watch him [Will] crumple to the ground. (1 Roth)" This quote resembles how Tris is still haunted by her killing Will. I don't think Tris has weighed the options of the situation, it was her or Will. If she died the war would cause thousands to die and her mom would of died in vein. Where if Will dies then she loses a friend. Tris did do the right thing, I don't think she has realized this yet.

     Another hope I want for Tris is for her to trust Tobias enough to express how she feels. She always pushes and pulls Tobias to her. I think she still has problems knowing what love is, coming from her Abnegation background, I do want her to learn that love is whatever you want it to be. I feel like Tris is scared of Tobias which is not helping their relationship, Tobias doesn't care if Tris isn't perfect. Tris has to get past some of these insecurities and this will help Tobias and Tris get into a serious relationship.

     My last hope for Tris is that she and Tobias can beat Jeanine and end the faction war. In the last book Tris and Tobias got away safely from the war and in this book I hope they can end it and put Jeanine in her place. This is the main plot point for the series, I know but I would like to see the third book be more about the world outside of this dystopian Chicago. I want to know whats out there, did the world go to war? Was there a financial crisis, did Chicago go independent?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i am so excited for this book and i know you will love it!

  3. I haven't read Divergent yet. Based on your descriptions, I think that I might read it soon. I really like the post and the recommendations from the last couple of posts. I will read it, but probably after reading the book the Chronicles of Vladmir.

    1. I liked the Chronicles of Vladimir a lot. It was a vampire story that wasn't about a love triangle and was more for boys. I read all four and hope you like the series.

  4. I loved Divergent and right before I read Insurgent, I had similar thoughts as well. I love how you wrote what you want out of Insurgent. Well I read the book and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :)
