Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

     Of all the Harry Potter movies I have enjoyed this one the most. So when I was starting to read this book I got very excited. So far this book has been an easy read and does not have as much elevated diction as The Lord of The Rings series. Harry Potters books seem to have an easy vernacular because they are meant for all ages and should be considered books that kids should grow up with. Since I wasn't exactly a prolific reader when I was younger I thought I could go back and revisit such a classic series. There isn't many things I can talk to you about because I already have seen the movie so I know most of the plot and I already told you about why I chose this book. In this blog I will talk to you about J.K. Rowling the genius behind the book series.

     Rowling's career wasn't a typical one. She didn't plan to be a huge author, she just wrote a book she liked. But before all of that she got a degree in French and Classics. Rowling then moved to Portugal and became a foreign language teacher. This is also where she got married and had a kid. Unfortunately the marriage did  not last long and she went back to the U.K. to finish her book. She had not done any other books before this one. In fact her career and money intake was practically nothing. Rowling had to make the manuscript on a typewriter.

     What else has Rowling done? To be honest she has only done a couple of books and those were under different pen names and were for adults. This list of books include; The Silkworm, The Cuckoo's Calling, and The Casual Vacancy. These books aren't bad sellers and won't probably reach the point of her Harry Potter series but they are still good books. Her author career is not like most, she didn't know she would have the most grossing book series of all times. Who knows maybe you too will have a rags to riches story yourself, and I will have to do a blog.

More Info on Rowling

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